Cable Monitor Alarm


  • Our Instant alert monitor sounds an alarm if the heating element is cut or damaged.
  • Allows for easy repair BEFORE the heating set in concrete or tiled over – Your electrician will remove this monitor and replace with the heating touchscreen control panel during final fit off.
  • Includes 9 volt battery.
SKU: CMA Category:


Our floor heating cable monitors are a small device which connects directly to the heating cable. It constantly monitors your heating element during the construction process of your bathroom or other heated area. These tricky little devices are essentially a continuity tester that will sound an alarm and display a red light if the heating element is cut or severed. Custom Heats floor heating cable monitors will also alarm if damage to the element occurs resulting in the elements active or neutral coming in contact with the heating elements earth shield.

Damage can occur to heating elements during the construction process, so these inexpensive little units are highly recommended. Heating elements can be repaired with our repair kits, however if the damage location is unknown, it can be very difficult to find out where the damage has occurred. As the cable alarm will sound immediately if the circuit is interrupted, the damaged location can be targeted for the repair.

The most common reason for a damaged floor heating element

Frequently, the cleaning out of grout joints prior to grouting is the number 1 reason for heating element damage. We have seen many elements cut in several places due to a worker using a knife or sharp object thus cutting through the heating just below. Custom Heat provides a warning sheet attached to the instruction manual in your kit, that you can stick to the wall to remind trades that heating is installed in this area. You can also print off more warning sheets in our manuals section on this website. Here is the link

While we conduct more advanced testing of each heating element before sending your floor heating kit out to you, we really recommend the used of these great little monitors. They just take a moment to connect and get removed when your electrician installs your touch-screen floor heating controller during final fit off.